National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Support


National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Support

Alabama NBCT Scholarship



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Must have a Google-associated account to access the application. If you get an error message, it's likely because your school email account cannot complete forms with attachments.   If that happens, log into your personal Google account, and the form will load.  

Please note that if you are submitting components THIS spring, you are responsible for the payment of those.  This scholarship will only cover components submitted next spring (2026) and thereafter during the candidate eligibility period. 

 (for friendly printing and planning purposes)

NEW - Year 1 and Year 2 teachers may now apply.  Previously, educators must have completed three successful years of teaching prior to beginning the National Board Certification process. The policy change now will open access to educators interested in the Board certification process by allowing them to begin the process of Board certification before completing three years of teaching experience. While this change allows educators to begin the process earlier, educators will need to complete three successful years of teaching employment to become Board-certified.   

Recorded Webinar reviewing the NBPTS process and Scholarship Application (March 2021) and

Additional Resources  to Review 

  • - See 鈥淏asic Training - Getting Started鈥 for overview of process and next steps.  

Scholarship FAQs - For Spring 2025 Applicants

1. Is the scholarship for first-year NBCT candidates only?

A. No, although retakes do not fall under a scholarship.

2. Can I apply if I have already submitted one or more components?

A. Yes, but the scholarship will not pay for any components you have already submitted (including those submitted this spring/summer). The scholarship will only pay for up to four components (up to $1900) and no retakes.

3. Can I apply if I applied in a previous school year and didn't receive a scholarship?

A. Yes, If you have not previously received an Alabama NBCT scholarship, you are eligible to apply if you did not activate your scholarship and use funds.

4. What happens if my application is not received until after the deadline or is incomplete?

A. If an application is received after the deadline or is found to be incomplete, it will not be read or scored by the review panel and will not be considered for a scholarship.

5. Does the $150,000 limit on household income refer to net or gross income?

A. You should use the Adjusted Gross Income that you report to the IRS for your household.

6. If my family receives disability payments or other tax-free payments, is this counted toward the $150,000?

A. If these payments are exempt from your Adjusted Gross Income you report to the IRS, then you do not have to count them toward the $150,000.

7. If I am awarded a scholarship, will I actually receive a check?

A. No, a check will be sent to the National Board office, and the funds will be credited to an account in your name.

8. If I am unable to complete the components within three years, does the scholarship end?

A. Yes, as a scholarship recipient, you must complete the NBCT portfolio (all four components) within the three-year time period, as required by the National Board.

9. If I move to another state before my three years are up, am I required to return the money?

A. Yes, you are required to reimburse any scholarship funds you have incurred if you do not teach an additional three years in an Alabama public school after receiving the scholarship.

10. Am I required to submit all 4 components in one year?

A. No, but you must submit at least one component each year, beginning next spring cycle (2026). All four components must be submitted within 3 years. Example: Year 1 - Component 1, Year 2 - Components 2 & 3, Year 3 - Component 4.

11. Are there any expenses related to NBCT that I am responsible for if I get a scholarship?

A. Yes, you are responsible for paying the $75.00 registration fee each year of your candidacy (upon registering for specific components, normally due in February or March). We recommend that candidates DO NOT pay the registration fee prior to submitting this scholarship application (unless they are submitting components this 2026 cycle for which they are responsible for funding).

12: Can the scholarship cover National Board Renewal?

A. No, this scholarship only funds initial candidates.

13. If I don't receive NBCT certification after submitting all the components, do I have to return the money?

A. No, the scholarship does not depend on the success of your certification.

14. Can I begin working on the process while I await notification of my scholarship application?

A. Yes, you may begin working on any or all of the components. Just remember that if you do not receive the scholarship, you'll be responsible for the cost of submitting them (if you choose to move forward). The cost of each component is $475. You can find your portfolio instructions here.

15. Who decides who the scholarship winners are?

A. A review panel of Alabama National Board Certified Teachers and other educators will read and score the applications.

16. Will I hear something even if I don't get a scholarship?

A. Yes, you will be notified whether you receive a scholarship or not.

17. When will I hear if I did or didn't receive a scholarship?

A. You will be notified before May 14.

18. Will I receive notification via email or postal mail?

A. You will receive notification by email and/or postal mail.

19. Will I receive notification at my school or my home?

A. You will receive notification by postal mail at your home and/or email at the address provided on your application.

20: If I get the scholarship, where can I find support for this process?

A. Each Regional Inservice Center provides support to candidates through mentoring opportunities. If you receive the scholarship, your name and contact information will be provided to your Inservice Center Director for support. Contact your district office, as many school systems offer internal NBCT support as well.

21. Will there be another scholarship application period this year ?

A. No, there is only one scholarship application period each school year.

22. Can a principal, assistant principal, librarian, counselor, coach, or speech pathologist receive the scholarship?

A. Yes, as long as they work in a K-12 public school setting.

23. When can I submit components?

A. A scholarshipped candidate must submit at least one component the following spring. If a component is submitted prior to this cycle, the cost of the component will be the responsibility of the candidate.

24. What if I change schools/positions ?

A. As long as you stay in an Alabama public K-12 school, the funding will remain available to you. Be reminded that if you change grade level or content area AFTER submitting a component, you must still finish in the original certificate area. Once you submit a component, you cannot change certificate areas unless you start over (per NBPTS Guidelines).

25. What if I become an administrator?

A. NBCTs who become administrators in Alabama public K-12 schools receive the base $5K stipend. They are not eligible for the additional $5K for serving challenging schools (law stipulates that those NBCTs are classroom teachers.)

26. Can I teach in a private school?

A. Teachers in private schools are not eligible for the scholarship or stipend.

27. When do I have to decide on my Certificate area?

A. Upon receiving the scholarship, a candidate should narrow down the certificate area to pursue by the beginning of the school year so that he or she can begin working on components. However, NBPTS does not require that one commit to that certificate area officially until February (see calendar below).

28. When do I have to decide on the order I want to submit the components?

A. The order in which one completes the components is completely left up to the individual. Some complete all in one year, and others chose to do so over three years. These components do NOT have to be completed in order.
Year 1 - Component 3
Year 2 - Components 2 &4
Year 3 - Component 1

29. When will my funds be available?

A. Funds are normally added to the candidates' NBPTS accounts in the fall or early winter. Components are not required to be 鈥減urchased鈥 until February (see calendar below). That said, candidates may (and should) begin working on desired components well before that time.

nbct dates

If you have additional questions that are not addressed in this document or on the application form, please submit your question to:

Dr. Boyd Rogan, ALSDE


Welcome to the Southeast Alabama Regional Inservice Center (SEARIC) National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) support site. This site is designed to help candidates find information about the certification process, available mentoring, and resources.

Your  are posted online for your review. We encourage you to carefully study your certificate area portfolios, highlighting new information, as well as practices you are already implementing. You should also review the Guide to  for general information, protocols, and policies.

We encourage you to join our Southeast Alabama Regional Inservice Center (SEARIC) National Board Certification Candidate Support Network. This program provides candidates and teachers interested in Board certification mentoring and support from National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT). These mentors provide meaningful resources and beneficial training to aid candidates in their certification venture.

To request a mentor and join the SEARIC National Board Certification Candidate Support Network contact us at 334-670-3495 or

We look forward to working with you.


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